
Lower gas prices means more holiday travelers

According to Gas Buddy, the national average is at $2.07 – $0.75 cheaper than this time previous year.


AAA MI says gas prices statewide have decreased by about 23 cents in the past week.

The average price in Pennsylvania is $2.29 a gallon.

Mike Graney, director of the One Stop chain of gas stations and convenience stores, said that the low prices have helped business a little, but, in a state with the nation’s highest rate of unemployment, it’s hard to disentangle the effect from the otherwise dismal West Virginia economy. As shown, compared to a year ago, the national average price is down almost 27%, which is off the lows, but still depressed from a historical perspective.

The lowest gas price in the Harrisburg area today is $2.14 a gallon at Costco in Lower Paxton Township and Sam’s Club in Swatara Township.

The average price in Phoenix on Tuesday was $2.01 per gallon, but many stations there are selling gas for less than $2.

It’s also important to remember that more families will be traveling this week – and they might not be as speedy when going through security.

“November gas prices have slid significantly lower and holiday travelers will certainly be the beneficiaries”, DeHaan said in a news release.

By ground or by air, plenty of people plan to travel this Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year, both in th…

Be aware crossing state lines. Wednesday is predicted to be the busiest travel day, with more than 1.7 million vehicles predicted to be on IL tollways.

And it is that time of year again, when millions get out on the roads so they can make it home to give thanks.


More than 1 million people in New Jersey, for example, will drive more than 50 miles during the five-day holiday travel season, a 1.1 percent increase over past year, according to AAA. “So, I guess that’s the oil company being good to us, thank you.” said motorist Monty Byrom.

Yes, Please and Thanks! Gas Below $2 for Thanksgiving