
New Turning Point Game Mode Coming With

When it comes to the new Star Wars experience, the executive claims that it can not share actual sales numbers but the expectations that his company had were not achieved, despite the fact that they were lowered before release.


Some players of the recently released “Star Wars Battlefront” game have started exploiting a glitch that renders them impervious to blasts by enemy forces. Once a base is captured more time will be added on the clock for the Rebels to capture the others, with the difficulty increasing with each base.

It has already been known that the DLC is going to bring two new maps.

After wowing us with his gorgeous (and still unreleased) graphics mod for Grand Theft Auto V, Martin Bergman applies his Toddyhancer tweaks to Star Wars: Battlefront with ridiculous results.

What are the rules of Turning Point?

When DICE and Electronic Arts announced that Battlefront wouldn’t have space battles, the community was outraged – and rightfully so. At the core of the mode, players will be fighting over control of bases. Instead, Imperials will make use of AT-STs while Rebels will have Speeders.

Those of you who pre-ordered Star Wars: Battlefront will be able to try it out on December 1st, while it’s set to become available as feel DLC for everyone else just one week later. The 40-player match opens with the Empire in control of the map, while Rebels assault three different control points. But there’s one more twist separating Turning Point from, say, Supremacy: Capture percentages do not reset once you drive the Rebels away. But your goals are the same as in so many other online shooters – collect kills, capture and defend map points – and all that beauty ultimately seems shallow.

The “Star Wars Battlefront” suicide glitch is an anomaly in the system that gives players an immunity to gunfire.


So this is essentially Battlefield’s Rush mode for Star Wars Battlefront. How about a chance to relive that famous battle on the ice planet Hoth – you know, the one with those giant four-legged robots?

Star Wars Battlefront's Battle of Jakku introduces 'Turning Point&#x27 mode