
Google Gives Apps a “Star Wars” Makeover

You can too through a new collaboration between Google and Disney that will see all of your Google accounts get a themed makeover. Google, along with Disney and Verizon plans to create an immersive experience, which lets fans watch specially developed episodes on the Google Cardboard. Even though we’ve only seen a few minutes of the film (a good thing), we’re about to be inundated with heavy cross-promotion (not such a good thing).


I’m not going to tell you what happens when you try the search string in Google, and I purposefully didn’t upload the screen grab I took. Once you’ve picked your preference, you’ll notice Google provides a link to several of its apps that support the new tool. The results couldn’t possibly be useful to any Internet user.

Despite leaving some of the work until the last minute, the award-winning director is very aware that he has generations of Star Wars fans to please.

Services like Google Search, Mail, Maps, and others have been given a particularly Star Wars-heavy flavor.

Coming to the choose your side campaign, there is plenty to check out. Or if you’d rather, you can join the Light side, otherwise known as the losing side at the moment (though not by much). Once the changes roll out to your devices, Google Maps, Gmail, Chromecast, and more will “transform to reflect your path”.

If you’re one of the latter people don’t read on.

As well as immersing fans in the app, four custom Google Cardboard headsets featuring Star Wars imagery will be exclusively available in Verizon stores from 2nd December.


The functionality of Google apps will not be affected-though on the surface, there’ll be a whole lot of Star Wars.
