
FL Rep. Grayson announces run for Rubio’s Senate seat

“And If You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!”


Grayson, 57, was elected to Congress in 2008 but lost a re-election bid two years later to Republican Daniel Webster. Murphy has already been seeking sponsors statewide and according to a statement on Wednesday, he had already raised close to $1.5 million dollars.

A lawyer by trade, Grayson is one of the richest sitting members of the U.S. House, but is also an adept fundraiser otherwise.

“I look forward to a clean, honest discussion of the issues in this primary”.

Pundits disagree on what tack Murphy should take with Grayson. Those funds led to two House ethics complaints filed against Grayson this week. Grayson’s penchant for generating controversial headlines has helped him raise his profile as well as enormous sums of money.

Republicans are also bracing for their own Senate primary bloodbath.

Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) and Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera are both expected to jump in soon. “The cost-of-living increases they receive under Social Security have not kept up with their cost of living and we need to make up for that”. “He’s really a Republican pretending to be a Democrat”. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by about 420,000.

Murphy is the favorite of the Democratic establishment in Florida. The key is Murphy should not muckrake, he said. “Even more so if this dyed-in-the-wool liberal and Democratic version of Todd Akin ultimately defeats the manicured opportunist and former Republican Patrick Murphy”.

Morgan and other Democrats are anxious that Grayson’s messy divorce and controversies about his hedge funds – which prompted requests for Congressional investigations in recent days – will damage his campaign. Kartik Krishnaiyer, a consultant and blogger with the Florida Squeeze, said he’s supporting little-known Democrat Pam Keith.

“Everybody wants an end to dictatorship in Cuba and a true, vibrant democracy and liberty for the people who live in Cuba”, Grayson said.

Grayson, for instance, has unapologetically compared the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan and criticized a Federal Reserve chairman’s adviser as a “K Street whore”, a comment for which he apologized.

Some in the party are anxious Grayson, a hard-left candidate, may win the primary and then get crushed in the general election, hurting Hillary Clinton’s prospects in the state.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Murphy early, and several big-name Democratic senators have donated to his efforts, including Sens. Its an entirely different story when the target is another Democrat.


As Grayson enters the race, he has a stronger social media following than Murphy. Just as Elizabeth Warren’s campaign was the “it” campaign in her race.

'Let this crazy bastard run'! GOPers thrilled at prospect of Alan Grayson