
You can now buy replacement Wii U gamepads… in Japan

Unless you were duped into buying a Wii U for cheap on eBay that didn’t include a GamePad (or you broke your GamePad), there’s little reason to buy one by itself without the console-for now, that is, but that hasn’t stopped Nintendo from making them available online in Japan. To view the Nintendo Direct video in its entirety, visit or go to Nintendo UK’s YouTube channel for the complete video and additional new trailers. Whatever form Nintendo’s upcoming NX console takes, it’s likely to be backwards compatible with Wii U software and peripherals just like the Wii U is with Wii products.


Back when the final consumer ready Wii U was unveiled at the E3 expo in June 2012, shortly before its release in November of that year, it was said that the new home gaming system would, in time, support two person gameplay with multiple GamePads.

Animal Crossing Series amiibo: Resetti, Blathers, Celeste and Kicks join the ranks in early 2016.

The tablet-like Gamepad is arguably the Wii U’s standout feature, delivering features like off-screen play and more.

In other money-saving news, Nintendo of America recently opened an eBay store.

Would you like to see Wii U gamepad as a standalone product in other regions?


For the first time, Nintendo is offering new GamePads directly through its website, for 12,800 Yen, which comes out to $104.65, €98.07, or £69.28. Of course, how much that extra Gamepad will cost we have yet to know – along with whether or not it’ll be possible to have strictly Gamepad-to-Gamepad titles that skip the TV entirely.

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