
Boil water advisory lifted in Hoboken after backup system implemented

The water is on and the boil advisory is lifted, officials in Hoboken were happy to announce Tuesday afternoon.


Water North Jersey said the city is now receiving water through a redundant transmission line coming from Weehawken while crews work to fix a broken valve in Jersey City and another main break in southwest Hoboken near the Jersey City line.

Riat Christopher, the senior director of operations for SUEZ Water North Jersey, said that water pressures have stabilized, although some buildings will “continue to experience problems during peak hours”.

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As to when the break would be fully repaired, Zimmer said she couldn’t say exactly. They estimate that the water will recede after about three days. City issued a boil water advisory, but it was lifted once the NJ Department of Environmental Protection determined that water was safe for consumption.

Water continues to flow into the streets of Hoboken Tuesday after SUEZ Water workers failed to seal a broken valve overnight. But water continues to flow from the pipe.

“Hoboken has a backup water system and that system has successfully implemented”.

Empty and clean automatic ice makers and water chillers.

“Flooding in the streets in the immediate vicinity of the water main break in Hoboken are now able to be pumped out thanks to the special approval that was provided by the DEP. The Hoboken Fire Department has washed the streets and sidewalks to help clear the area of any debris”.


Furthermore, Ferrante continued to urge those entering or leaving Hoboken for the Thanksgiving holiday to use public transportation if possible, or perhaps leaving this evening or before or after rush hour tomorrow. HOBOKEN ROAD CLOSURES: – Observer Highway closed West of Henderson Street to Jersey Ave.

A Hoboken street is flooded after a water main break on Nov. 22 2015