
Ted Cruz Pulls Even With Donald Trump in Iowa

“Ted Cruz of Texas”, Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown said in a statement.


Trump said that opposition to waterboarding is a symptom of political correctness, citing “very important” unnamed sources who privately admit the effectiveness of the tactic to him despite their public opinions.

In the meantime, Ben Carson dropped 10 points to 18 percent, followed by Marco Rubio at 13 percent.

Cruz’s Iowa team said one of the reasons why Cruz is starting to catch on is that he doesn’t just appeal to evangelicals, but also to libertarians, moderate Republicans, and even some Democrats. “I think you’re gonna see particularly Ted Cruz coming out pretty aggressively over the next, you know, 6 to 8 weeks to really try to maintain his position at the top”. And, as I have written before, what is happening in the Republican race is that most of the candidates – save Trump and, at times, Ben Carson – are playing by an established set of rules around what you can say and do.

Brown, however, acknowledged that a win in Iowa doesn’t guarantee success elsewhere, pointing to the winners of the last two caucuses who failed to become the Republican Party’s presidential nominee.

Ty Wright/Getty Images Donald Trump still leads the latest Quinnipiac poll in Iowa, getting 25% support. “In a heartbeat”, Trump said during a media forum. Carson, Rubio and Fiorina are the choice of 6 percent each on the economy.

That dovetails with a Gallup Poll Tuesday showing that the first-term senators are closing in on Carson’s 49 percent “most popular” rating.

Other interesting tidbits into the minds of Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants: They oppose 81 – 15 percent allowing Syrian refugees into the US and oppose 82 – 13 percent allowing them into Iowa.

“But he in fact is referring to a true story, which is that Israeli spies working for the intelligence agency Mossad were in fact arrested after they were caught celebrating the September 11th attacks”, the scholar said.


In terms of favorability, Carson was found to be the most favorable, receiving 79 percent of approval from Iowans.

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