
Neighbors helping neighbors: Where to find a free Thanksgiving meal

Page tells News 25 the church plans to make this an annual event.


“24/7, 365 days we need to be helping other people out, it’s a good opportunity at Thanksgiving to make it big and that’s important”. That a lot of people who truly could not afford a thanksgiving meal. “Now the people we serve look just like you and I. They may be our next door neighbors or our family members, and were just simply not aware of the struggle that they’re going through at this time”.

John Vecerkauskas prays before eating his meal at the First Baptist Church of Pittston during the church’s annual Thanksgiving dinner.

“There are a lot of families who have kids and can’t feed themselves”, Roman said.

Last year, the group delivered 200 meals to neighbors.

Anyone that wants to attend the meal is welcome, he said.

“That inner feeling to be able to open your heart and actually recognize and appreciate not just the things you have in your life but the people you in have in your life and when you are talking about a homeless shelter sometimes that gets overlooked”, said Ron Crozier, Twin City Mission Director of Community Relations.

The Humble School of Martial Arts is having it’s free Thanksgiving meal on November 26 from noon until 8 1368 Fulton St., Restoration Plaza in Brooklyn.

-Minneapolis: Several organizations are providing free Thanksgiving meals, including the Salvation Army – with two Minneapolis locations and one in Burnsville.


By Thursday afternoon, almost 2,000 deliveries will be made in partnership with Hospice, Meals on Wheels and other shut-ins.