
Man Blames The Apple Watch For Burns On His Wrist

Apple has yet to respond to his claims, according to Mirror Online. Now, he wants answers from Apple.


The accident was reported by a Danish news website, Ekstra Bladet, which brought to light the situation, wherein a Danish man apparently burnt his wrist while using an Apple Watch.

But an Apple Watch owner got more heat than he bargained for when the gadget allegedly left him with serious burns. It began glowing on his wrist, burning so hot it torched his wrist and then his finger when he tried to remove the smartwatch, he says.

Jorgen Mouitzen nipped to the loo during a flying club meeting, where he suddenly felt a searing pain in his arm.

He said: “I could smell the burning flesh”. Of course, it’s possible the issue could have been caused by a faulty battery or some other Apple Watch component. It wasn’t an allergic reaction, and Mourtizen claims he didn’t hold his arm near anything hot – the double-sided burns would mean it would have had to be down the centre anyway.


Not only has Mouritzen received an explanation from Apple, he says he has yet to receive any time of response from the company. However according to an investigation conducted by Apple, the company claims that there has not been any evidence to suggest that the Apple Watch was responsible for Mouritzen’s injuries, and that damage suffered to the band was from an external source. Back in March, a NY man alleged that an iPhone 5C exploded in his pocket while at a wake on Valentine’s Day.

Apple Watch 'burns owner' so badly that he could smell his sizzling skin