
Bulldog born with half a spine will melt your whole heart

He is an English bulldog from Arkansas who hasn’t had the greatest of starts in life.


On April 17, the black-and-white pup was born bearing the marks of several debilitating congenital defects, including a deformed spine and underdeveloped hind legs.

His owner called up Friends of Emma, a private rescue home in Fort Worth, Texas, to ask for help.

He also has Swimmer’s Syndrome which means his chest is too flat and his legs are sprawled out to the sides.

Bonsai has a blast interacting with his environment and his canine and human friends, he nearly inspires me to go to the animal shelter and adopt another puppy, even though I already have my hands full with a pooch and two cats.

In June this little trooper underwent a bilateral amputation of both his useless hind-legs and is doing well. Currently, Bonsai has no control over his bowel movement and needs to wear a diaper all the time. According to his Facebook page, the best position for Bonsai to be in during the surgery was on his back, but his oxygen levels kept dropping, forcing his surgeon to turn him over and work upside-down.


Fundraising and public contributions to Bonsai are helping to cover his medical bills and provide everyday necessities.

Bonsai the Bulldog via Facebook