
Woman spreads powerful message when she shares post-baby photo on Facebook

South Australian mother Mel Rymill wrote on Facebook that her personal trainer made the comment when she showed up for her first session after she had given birth.


A photo of a new mom showing her post-pregnancy body and wearing only underwear and a bra is trending on Facebook today.

“It wasn’t a question, it was a statement”, Rymill wrote.

‘I corrected her nicely by simply saying “my goal is to regain my core strength and endurance…I’m not anxious by how my body looks, only how it functions…it can be pretty badass”‘ she explains.

Rymill went on to say her body isn’t flawless, but it is strong – and that’s all that matters.

Mel had actually booked her personal training session because she wanted to get strengthen her body after a hard pregnancy.

A new mum, p*ssed off at a personal trainer’s assumption that she was desperate to “get back to her pre-baby weight”, has shown she’s proud of her body by posing in her #badassundies.

Rymill took to Facebook, posting a picture of herself in her granny panties and nursing bra, sharing her experience and urging people to love themselves as is without labels and conditions. She shares a powerful message about feeling comfortable in your own skin.

‘Skinny people are envied for their lack of fat or shamed for apparently starving themselves.

‘[I am] certainly not going to be rocking a runway any time soon, my hair is greasy, I have no makeup on, my body is squishy and plentiful, ‘ she wrote. “There is always pressure”.

“Hell, I am badass as fuck!” “I looked in the mirror and started getting down on myself before snapping out of it and remembering that my body is awesome”.

“As a large-breasted woman, I have always received unwanted comments about this, even as a young teen”.

‘But I am strong. My body is healthy.

“What we should be worrying about is if people are ok, not what they look like”, she writes. “It allows me to do fantastic things”.


Mel Rymill of Australia shared the image to encourage women to embrace their imperfections and feel confident about their bodies. “It’s not about whether you are big, small, lumpy, cuddly, boney, shaped like a dodecahedron, a woman, anywhere on the gender scale or anything else you can think of”.

Mel Rymill badass undies viral story