
Foreign policy tests Carson’s campaign

The Carson campaign’s response bordered on the comical. Carson, the renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate who leads the pack in several polls, is having a hard time grasping the complexities of foreign affairs issues, according to The New York Times.


Naming Clarridge, Carson went on to deny that the former C.I.A. agent was his advisor and that he “has no idea who else I’m sitting down and talking to”.

Congress is pursuing legislation that would block the president’s plan. “Trump, who has looked to expose Carson’s political vulnerabilities at every turn, told reporters in MA that he believed the stories”. His campaign has responded to the resulting criticism by saying that Carson gets daily mid-morning national security briefings and that he’s getting better as the campaign progresses. But, Carson acknowledged, Williams as recently as this week helped the candidate edit a foreign policy op-ed the campaign sent to The Washington Post. “Seriously? Is that supposed to make voters feel more comfortable with Carson or his operation?” “Of course! And we should be doing everything we possibly can to stop it”.

What used to be called “dog whistle” politics became a shrill blast heard around the world this week as American politicians reacted to the Paris terrorist attacks with an anti-refugee backlash that sounded ferocious even by the standards of the 2016 presidential race. They are going to be pouring in, we don’t know who they are, could be Isis.

“Candidates that continue to visit our state are proof that the SEC Primary is real and working”, said Secretary Merrill. “Sometimes he over thinks things”, Williams told the Times. “I’m just not going to go there”. He added that there needs to be “appropriate” screening before people come to the United States, adding that “we can create “safe zones” over there”.

“If they violate it, we will, in fact, enforce it”, he said. You know, they took control of the supply routes first.

“Dr. Carson is still on a learning curve”, he continued.

“It’s not that I regret mentioning the name, it’s that I regret giving out the mobile number”, Williams said. “But this is a database in which he’s very unfamiliar”.


Carson’s spoke a few days after some people in and around his campaign offered public concerns about his command of foreign policy.

Ben Carson compares Syrian refugees to ‘rabid dogs