
Missouri deer hunters on target

The Missouri Department of Conservation reports the November firearms season brought in 189,839 deer this year.


Of the 189,938 deer killed, 92,020 were antlered bucks, 21,256 were button bucks and 76,662 were does.

Top harvest counties were Texas with 4,544, Howell with 4,046 and Franklin with 3,707.

In total Chippewa County hunters registered 2,094 deer on Saturday and Sunday, down 1.6 percent from last season’s total.

According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, that’s 23,555 more deer killed than last year’s November firearms hunt.

MDC reported five firearms-related hunting incidents during the 10-day hunt.

There were five incidents during the season, involving self-inflicted firearm wounds which occurred in Butler, Franklin, Newton and Howard counties.

More information on deer management can be found at the DNR website.

Missouri offers some of the best deer hunting in the country and deer hunting is an important part of many Missourians’ lives and family traditions.

The DNR also spent the first two days of the season tested harvested deer in Clark and Eau Claire County for Chronic Wasting Disease.


The DNR had been projecting a total deer harvest of between 140,000 and 155,000 deer this season, and it looks like the final total will be at the upper end of its estimates. “We saw excellent hunting conditions in much of the state over the weekend, so that combined with improved deer population levels following a mild winter and efforts to increase deer numbers, and we are hoping things continue to go well for hunters through the rest of the season”. He said the state’s regulations are working to increase the deer count.

10 point buck killed by Dan Buckner