
Adam Sandler Mocks Harry Potter, Jared Fogle in Updated Hanukkah Song

An updated 1999 version included Winona Ryder and Courtney Love. On Wednesday, Sandler posted the video to his Happy Madison Youtube channel, unleashing his seasonal abomination on the world.


Adam Sandler has updated his comedy classic “The Chanukah Song” for the first time since 2002.

The newest entry features such luminaries as Shia LaBeouf, Jared from Subway, Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Adam Levine, Scarlett Johansson, Drake, Princess Leia and animated characters from “Frozen”.

“Mocking the well-known character, the “Pixels” actor sang”, Harry Potter and his magic wand-ukkah, have fun Hanukkah”.

But Sandler also didn’t shy away from addressing recent controversy, devoting a lyric to disgraced former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle, who recently pleaded guilty to child pornography and sex crime charges and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. But guess who’s Jewish and may fix him?


In one comic line, Sandler sings that instead of Santa Claus, Jews can claim “two jolly fat guys: ice cream’s Ben and Jerry”. “Loveline’s Dr. Drew – get on it, doc”, he tells the uproaring audience. Share your comments in the forum below!

Adam Sandler's latest version of 'The Chanukah Song' name checks Jared Fogle