
Obama: Syrian refugees are like pilgrims on the Mayflower

Even though Europe has been flooded with Syrian refugees, those migrants account for about 10% of all Syrian refugees seeking asylum, according to United Nations data. “Thus, it is not permissible to deny federally funded benefits such as Medicaid or TANF to refugees who otherwise meet the eligibility requirements”, the letter states. The United States does not wait for refugees to arrive before screening; we do all of our extensive vetting prior to entry, thereby preventing any bad actors from gaining entry into the United States. USA policy calls for accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year; since the start of 2014, Texas has accepted 224 Syrian refugees.


A new poll from The Washington Post and ABC News shows that a majority of Americans oppose resettling Syrian refugees in the United States.

Even if Congress somehow resolves the issue with Obama, the refugee question will be loudly debated throughout 2016 as part of the presidential campaigns.

“Our first priority remains the safety of our residents”, the Governor said.

Predictably, Colorado’s congressional delegation broke along party lines.

Defendants’ suspension of the resettlement of Syrian refugees in IN is preempted by the Constitution and federal law for multiple reasons, including that it impinges on the exclusively federal authority to regulate immigration and to classify non-citizens; that federal law occupies the field of refugee admission and resettlement; and that it conflicts with the Immigration and Nationality Act and other federal statutes.

BOSTON U.S. governors’ calls to stem the flow of Syrian refugees into the country may not improve security and has chilled the atmosphere for such immigrants, a MA congressmen and activists said after a Tuesday roundtable with law enforcement.

The tragic situation in Syria has created a refugee and migration crisis that is overwhelming the global community’s ability to help those in need. Jordan has more than 600,000, Iraq 200,000 plus, and roughly 130,000 Syrian refugees have settled in Egypt. In Lebanon, World Vision staff report that many Syrian refugees are holding on to their house keys because they still hope to go home. “The risks posed to our national security by admitting tens of thousands of refugees from a war-torn region that is now the global hotbed for terrorist activity are very real … all it takes is one ISIS terrorist posing as an asylum seeker to come to the United States and inflict harm”. Obama has vowed to veto it. On the heels of the terror attacks in Paris, Abbott said in a letter to President Obama on November 19 that “American humanitarian compassion could be exploited to expose Americans to similar deadly danger”. They called for countering the hostility toward the refugees through efforts at the local levels. “Governors don’t have the right to restrict people from coming into their state”. In fact, I think Jesus said something like, “Let the little children come unto me”. “We always have been and we always will be”, said Speak Ryan.

Once granted refugee status in the United States, nongovernmental organizations on contract with the U.S. State Department determine where the refugees will be sent.


“Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims – men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families”, Obama said in his weekly address Thursday.

Gallup Poll