
Katie Hopkins: Brunel University students stage mass walk out at debate as

The debate had been due to discuss whether or not the welfare state still had a place in Britain, and was being held to mark the university’s 50th anniversary.


He added: ‘It was mainly that we didn’t feel that she fitted the debate and she wasn’t the right person to be speaking’.

It seems karma is slowly catching up with Katie Hopkins as she received a less than warm welcome at Brunel College on a recent visit.

The students, from Brunel University, filled a theatre for a debate featuring Hopkins and then turned their backs to her as soon as she began speaking.

Usually people react after she speaks but on this occasion the audience kicked off before she had even muttered a word.

She also claims Peter Beresford OBE, Brunel’s Professor of Social Policy, helped organise the walkout after he tweeted his support for the students afterwards.

Students’ reasons for the walk out ranged from “she’s here promoting herself as a professional troll” to her lack of any “academic credentials”, to it being “inflammatory” to invite Hopkins to celebrate Brunel’s 50th year at such a “diverse campus”.

Unwilling to give heed to Hopkins’s offensive views, the students quietly turned and marched out of the auditorium.

The Daily Mail columnist and TV personality has caused widespread anger for her deliberately controversial comments, which recently included comparing refugees to cockroaches – leading to accusations of racism and the dehumanisation of those fleeing warzones.

Here’s my handy list of labels for the students @Bruneluni to stick on me later.


Among the reasons for students’ displeasure with Hopkins is they felt she brought no “valuable intellectual insight”, student body president Ali Milani said.

Katie Hopkins hits back at Brunel University students who staged a silent protest during her speech