
Bush condemns Trump claims about American Muslims celebrating after 9/11

The Jersey City Police Chief said there is no record of anyone detained for celebrating on 9/11. The Star-Ledger said of the rumor of celebrations: “In the end it was nothing more than a rapid-fire urban myth”. There was no mention of Jersey City. “You know what? There’s nothing wrong with an apology, but you have to be wrong”. Reporter: Trump telling a crowd of thousands in OH that his phone has been ringing off the hook with people who say they saw what he says he saw. That allegation was unattributed and unverified.


“Whether it’s thousands and thousands or 1,000 people or even just 1 person, it’s irrelevant”.

These claims have been widely debunked.

“No, I don’t. I don’t believe it happened”, Bush said of Trump’s claims.

However, a CNN report subsequently questioned that claim by noting that he lived a healthy distance from lower Manhattan.

Donald Trump is not amusing (at least not intentionally so), but boy does he make Stephen Colbert’s job easy.

The protesters at the Saturday event in Alabama said they were there to protest what they see as racist statements from Trump on the trail. “People are going to look at who has the skills, the talent, the heart and the spine”. I, like the rest of the country, watched the news non-stop for days, weeks after the attacks.

“I would say we use our intelligence and we monitor anything: our mosques, a church, a museum, a supermarket”, he said, later adding that monitoring would come after multiple reports or indications of radical activity.

The next day, he denied that he was talking about New Jersey and blamed the media for a “misunderstanding”.

On Monday, the Washington Post reported that there would be no charges filed against either Southall or the rally-goers.

You ever notice how some folks on Twitter have a disclaimer as part of their bios that says “Retweets are not endorsements?”

Donald Trump has dug himself a hole of lies about seeing Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey – and his campaign manager has grabbed a shovel and is helping to dig in deeper.

Q: Yes. Can you expand on that? Even Dr. Ben Carson who first agreed with trump saying he also saw the video – But did you see that happening though on 9/11? I really think that would be a stretch. Those reporters said they found no subsequent evidence to confirm the allegations they wrote about years ago.

“Maybe if you walk in my footsteps, you can see that I am not any less human than you are”.


Trump provoked a controversy by making repeated claims that he saw thousands of Arab Muslims in New Jersey cheering the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

WILTON IA NOVEMBER 22 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks to guests at a barbeque hosted by Jeff Kauffman chairman of the Republican party of Iowa