
Obama Administration Sends Letter to Governors Who Won’t Accept Refugees

The Obama Administration isn’t backing down amid all of the controversy surrounding the Refugee Resettlement Program.


An act of Congress leaves the president and the State Department with that power. This bill rests on the faulty assumption that the European refugee screening process is similar to the United States screening process, which is entirely inaccurate.

Carey ended his letter by stating, “ORR is committed to ensuring that all refugees receive the assistance and services vital to achieving their potential in the United States and becoming self-sufficient, integrated members of our communities”.

In their factsheet on the States’ role in refugee resettlement, FAIR suggests several things that states can do to influence the process.

Who it applies to: Business travelers and tourists.

As we debate proposals to bar Syrians, it is worth recalling that the United States could have saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis, but our government-supported by public opinion-rejected entreaties to accept Jews, including Jewish children. These agencies conduct a background check using biographic and biometric information, such as fingerprinting, that is run through databases maintained by counterterrorism, law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

America should be a haven for this wave of Syrian refugees as it has for other recent groups, like the Vietnamese. Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Wheat Ridge, said, “I believe the US, as part of an worldwide coalition of countries, should accept Syrian refugees after careful screening and applying all measures in place to prevent terrorists from coming to the U. S”.

So I think that Gov. Baker and all the other governors who agree with him should rethink their position on the refugee issue. Many Syrian refugees are now living in Houston, Tucson, San Diego, Chicago and Boise.

It would take a refugee years to enter our country. 31 governors have refused to allow refugees into their states. 0001 percent of Syrian refugees to immigrate to the FY 2016.

“The Health and Human Services Commission will continue to follow the directive of Gov. [Greg] Abbott, which calls for the state of Texas to not participate in the resettlement of Syrian refugees”, Bryan Black said. That is a small fraction of the almost 4.3 million refugees who have fled Syria since the start of that country’s civil war, according to United Nations estimates. But since the outbreak in 2011, out of the 18,336 Syrian refugee referrals there have only been roughly 2,200 Syrians resettled in the USA who all face difficulties in rebuilding their lives in America after losing everything in their homeland of Syria.

Last week, the Republican-led House of Representatives passed a bill that increases the restrictions on refugees from Iraq and Syria.


US lawmakers are pushing legislation to tighten screening requirements for Syrian refugees; some Republican presidential candidates want to halt their entry.

Watch: Here's What the Refugee Screening Process Looks Like