
New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

The fun-loving jokers at the internet search provider have become one with The Force Awakens in a rebellious act that will leave Star Wars fans in awe! Kylo Ren a disciple of Darth Vader will be played by Adam Driver in The Force Awakens. And in that most exciting and chilling first-look, we heard a voice – which was later revealed to be Supreme Leader Snoke – asking, “There has been an awakening… have you felt it?” “Even you have never faced such a test”, Snoke tells Ren in voiceover that accompanies new footage of the villain acting malevolently.


If you have not seen the first released Star Wars movie, Episode Four “A New Hope”, you may be forgiven for missing the reference to being fluent in over six million forms of communication. All of us need to run, ‘ he states.

Now, on the anniverary of that teaser debut, Disney has released a new trailer that brings everything full circle – and gives Snoke his answer: “Yes”.

Actor Harrison Ford says the relationship between Star Wars’ Han Solo and Chewbacca is like that of “an old married couple”.

Han Solo holding a blaster!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is out in United Kingdom cinemas on the 17th December.

Boyega has not seen the movie yet, he mentioned to E! on Tuesday at the Film Independent Spirit Awards Nominations press conference. Director J.J. Abrams apparently wanted a more hirsute take on Luke for the upcoming Star Wars trilogy, which is set 30-plus years after the battle of Endor.


“A long time ago in a galaxy far far away”; the phrase seems very Star Wars-y, right? Share your thoughts about the new trailer below in the comments section. No annoying new characters like Jar Jar Binks have surfaced so far.

Harrison Ford speaks out about Star Wars