
Android 6.0 Marshmallow update available for Moto X Style in India

According to Motorola, Android 6.0 Marshmallow includes some features similar to things that the company has developed in the past. However, it is quite important to say that the nightly builds are usually quite buggy and not stable enough to be used as daily drivers at such an early stage in their development.


CyanogenMod recently announced the initial nightlies of CyanogenMod 13 (CM13), which run on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Normally, nightly builds are not stable in comparison to the Snapshot releases.

Check out the full changelog that gives full details of the new features, which Android 6.0 Marshmallow will bring to Moto X Style. Google introduced new app drawer in Android 6.0 Marshmallow and it allows users to organize apps in alphabetical order. The button that changes from rear-facing to front facing cam is also now placed beside the shutter button.

Motorola is rolling out Android 6.0 Marshmallow software update to the Moto X Style in India.

The community in a blog post warns that those users now running CM12.1 YOG4P or CM12.1 YOG7D builds on their handsets will experience a “dip in quality”. Also, make sure to check the guides in case you’re a novice and you want to learn how to tinker with your Android device’s operating system.

Jump over to the official CyanogenMod website for more details. Second, updating to CyanogenMod 13 will also require updating your smartphone’s Google apps via a service like Xposed or OpenGapps. The new upgrade is expected to take place by the end of this year. Then, one would need TWRP recovery equipped in the phone.

By any chance you’ve been keeping aware of Nexus 6P or Nexus 5X reliable coverage, maybe you have seen that the camera applications of these two newest devices look a bit different compared to what’s found on Nexus 5 or Nexus 6.

Cyanogen’s “nightly” build versions receive frequent updates with the latest features but with little attention to bugs or other issues.


The CyanogenMod nightly builds, however, come with their own set of threats.

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