
Obama Compares Syrian Refugees to The Pilgrims

But does anybody care that most Syrian refugees don’t even want to move to the West?


Obama’s plan has come under heavy criticism in Congress in the wake of the assault on Paris that killed 130 people November 13. The United States is leading an global coalition fighting the group in Syria and Iraq.

One woman from Pennsylvania wrote me to say: “Money is tight for us in my household….”

This debate in the USA government focuses on security checks and the process of vetting Syrian refugees. “It is very robust”, said Suzanne Meriden, SAC director of operations, on this week’s Hashtag VOA program.

Administration officials, who basically answered with a “trust me” approach, responded, “The administration officials, led by McDonough, assured the governors that the vetting process was thorough and that the risks of admitting Syrian refugees could be properly managed”. He said refugees are also required to go through many in-person interviews, as well as a medical screening.

Other towns in the U.S. have also shown a willingness to host Syrian refugees.

And perspective? Canada has committed to accepting 25,000 Syrian refugees, and Germany may absorb 800,000 by the end of the year. 30 state governors have protested the resettling of refugees.

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Hogan’s office has not commented on the matter.

The commission will continue to follow the directive of Republican Governor Greg Abbott, who has called for Texas to turn away Syrian refugees, said Bryan Black, a spokesman for the Texas commission.

He called for Americans to display their full “generosity” in welcoming refugees into the country with no reservations. “I feel from a small town we’ve done what we can do”. According to the International Refugee Assistance Project, those Iraqi translators are among the 58,000 or more Iraqis who worked with the U.S. They are still awaiting for visa processing.

President Obama sees Syrian refugees in the same light as the pilgrims who made their voyage to the United States back in 1620.

“It’s hypocritical for Obama administration officials to threaten enforcement action against these states when they refuse to enforce the vast majority of our immigration laws, such as cracking down on sanctuary cities that openly defy federal law and endanger the American people”, the Virginia Republican said.

The concerns raised by some US elected officials focus nearly exclusively on security.

Yang said World Relief believes there is a need to help religious minorities in the Middle East, including Christians. One candidate said a Muslim should not be allowed to run for president. It would be a shame if we squander our claim to moral authority and compassionate humanitarianism just to keep 10,000 desperate Syrians out of our country.

Jenny Yang, vice president of advocacy and policy, World Relief, appearing on Hashtag VOA, Nov. 24, 2015.

Most of the refugees have moved into countries near Syria, including Turkey and Jordan.

Nevertheless, the president wanted Americans to remember who we are as a nation.


Howard Brown, of North Kingstown, R.I.

Obama Compares Syrian Refugees to America’s Pilgrims in Thanksgiving Speech