
Obama, Hollande to Meet in Wake of Paris Attacks

Fine words behind which however hides, like Russian dolls, a whole other reality.


Someone has suggested that the president “intentionally” said “Daesh AND ISIL”.

Taking this opportunity, Obama also recalled who, according to him, had liberated France or Europe from the Nazis. “If that reorientation continues”, Obama said, “we’ll be in discussions with Moscow and Mr. Putin to see if that happens”.

Eleven days after the bloody attacks in France (130 dead and 350 injured), MM.

Obama urged Russian Federation and Turkey to communicate about the details of the operation in order to decrease the chance of escalation, a message the White House said Obama relayed in a later phone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Gov. Scott Walker on Wednesday defended his plan to not welcome Syrian refugees into Wisconsin, saying the Obama administration’s handling of the Paris terrorist attacks shows it can’t be trusted to ensure the refugees are not a threat on USA soil.

“Nous sommes tous francais (We are all French)”, Obama said, concluding with “Vive la France!”

However, the two men remained at odds over the fate of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an ally of Russian Federation whom Western and Sunni Arab countries blame for Syria’s almost five-year civil war and want removed from power. Last week, Hollande called for the US and Russian Federation to set aside their policy divisions over Syria and “fight this terrorist army in a broad, single coalition”.

On the other hand, Peskov said Russian Federation was still willing to cooperate with the USA and the rest of the coalition “in any format” they are actually ready for.

French police said they were also analyzing what is thought to be a suicide belt similar to those used in the Paris attacks, found without its detonator in a dustbin outside the capital. The White House is deeply skeptical of Putin’s motivations, given his longstanding support for Assad, and has accused Putin of bombing rebels fighting the Syrian leader instead of targeting Islamic State.

The Turkish military Tuesday announced it shot down a Russian military aircraft near the Syrian border after it ignored multiple warnings and entered Turkish airspace, a charge Moscow immediately denied.

On bilateral cooperation with France, he said the aim was to “establish constructive work by our military specialists to avoid duplication and avoid strikes on those territories and groups which are themselves ready to fight terrorism”.

Hollande and Russia President Putin will meet Thursday as part of a campaign against ISIS.

“It’s going to be hard and we should not be under any illusions”, Obama said. “That I think means a significant increase in the tempo of the fight against ISIS”, Jones said.


When asked by reporters about additional US contributions to the anti-IS campaign being waged by the 65-nation coalition, the press secretary noted the United States is “certainly pulling more than our own weight” something the country was “glad to do”.

Putin and Obama in deep conversation at G20 summit after Paris