
Ben Carson to Visit Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Highlighting his medical prowess, the retired brain surgeon will visit a clinic and hospital at the refugee camps.


Debate over Syrians fleeing their war-torn country has erupted following a series of attacks in Paris that raised security concerns across the West. Carson and his GOP rivals have criticized President Barack Obama’s plan to welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees this budget year, expressing concern that extremists may sneak into the country among them. Last week, he suggested refugees of the Syrian conflict should be screened and likened them to rabid dogs.

The visit also serves to burnish Mr. Carson’s foreign policy credentials, which have become a flash-point for detractors of the political newcomer. In a recent Fox News interview he failed to name a potential ally in the fight against Islamic State militants.

To the editor: Jonah Goldberg’s acknowledgment that Carson isn’t ready for presidential politics because he lacks a basic understanding of world events is really a partisan defense of Carson masquerading as objective criticism.

“Dr Carson is on a learning curve. He’s not ideal. He’ll never be flawless”, Armstrong Williams, a top adviser, told Bloomberg TV earlier this month. Carson has arranged to visit Azraq refugee camp among the desert dunes of northeast Jordan.

In reply to the charge in the Times, the Carson campaign accused the paper of a sort of elder abuse in quoting Clarridge, who is 83.

“I don’t think there were any black people in the country that weren’t thrilled that that happened – including me”, Carson said in a recent interview when asked about Obama’s first victory. Goldberg’s suggestion that Carson only needed to study more to be a presidential contender generously conceals the reality that Carson’s know-nothingism is a core value, not the accidental result of failure to do his homework.


Carson is due to return to the USA on Sunday.

Ben Carson to Visit Syrian Refugees in Jordan