
Commonwealth leaders focused on challenges to counter extremism and terrorism

November 27, 2015 EIRNS-At the Queen Elizabeth-led Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) at Malta, convened today, Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has been set up as the spokesman to exert pressures to accept climate-change diktats scheduled to be adopted at the November 30 to December 11 UN Climate Change conference in Paris.


Among the few things concluded at the flop 2009 Copenhagen global climate change summit were things agreed beforehand by the Commonwealth.

The two addressed the media with Trudeau touching on climate change and what both Canada and Australia can do as energy exporting nations to help the environment. There is acceptance for it (climate change) as an index before any work is done.

The USD 1 billion fund announced by Muscat would be generated initially through sovereign contributions and then through green bonds. Canada has pledged Dollars 2 billion assistance to help poor countries in their quest for limiting green-house gas emissions.

“For a concrete example of that we need look not look much further than our own story and the difficulty we had getting pipelines built because people didn’t believe we were taking our environmental responsibilities seriously”.

The Commonwealth has proposed a novel way to stimulate climate action: trading debt relief for fresh activities to limit carbon emissions or address climate change.

He’ll also have lunch at the Elysee Palace with French President Francois Hollande, who made an extraordinary appearance at the Malta Commonwealth meeting to rally support for a global climate deal.

Leaders of the Commonwealth focused on Saturday on the current global security challenges and the domestic, regional and worldwide policy responses required to counter extremism and terrorism. An unnamed country expressed reservations about this as well. Before the statement was issued, the Commonwealth leaders held talks yesterday at a retreat session in Fort St Angelo where they discussed possible road blocks in arriving at a deal in Paris besides other issues.

“Man is the worst enemy of man”, he said.

“This is the struggle of our generation, but by working together we will defeat this extremism scourge that is a threat to us all”, he said.

Commitments to common values such as the rule of law, democratic principles, the promotion of dignity and the worth of human beings have all been reinforced, he said.

British Prime Minister Cameron announced around 26 million pounds for climate projects in 25 small island states.

The United States has cast doubt on whether an agreement reached in Paris would be legally binding.


“We will not let small islands fret that they will be deluged by rising sea levels because of climate change and be wiped off the world map”, Mr Modi said, while addressing Indian expat community at the island nation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi waves before his departure for France to attend the Paris Climate Conference at AFS Palam in New Delhi. | PTI