
Obama Thanksgiving Address: Syrian Refugees Are Like Pilgrims, Deserve

Evaluating the plight of Syrian refugees to the pilgrims who celebrated the 1st Thanksgiving in 1621, President Obama made a holiday plea Thurs. for Americans to simply accept the migrants with open arms.


Mr. Obama has committed to resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the USA this fiscal year, and has been stunned by the vehement reaction from Americans who overwhelmingly oppose his plan in the wake of the Paris terrorist attack, where one of the suicide bombers is believed to have sneaked in as part of a group of refugees.

“While the United States has the most generous refugee system in the world, the American people are rightly concerned about admitting Syrian refugees and the impact it would have on the safety of their families and neighbors”, Goodlatte said in a statement. “What makes America America is that we offer that chance”, President Obama said in his Thanksgiving address.

“We have simply instructed all of our state agencies not to process any paperwork”, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal said.

Obama’s warning, which came in a letter from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) signed by director Robert Carey, sets the stage for a Tenth Amendment showdown, pitting the states against the federal government.

Albright said that her family came to the United States as refugees from Czechoslovakia in 1948, but noted they arrived on diplomatic passports and didn’t face the obstacles that Syrian and Iraqi refugees face.

One woman from Pennsylvania wrote me to say: “Money is tight for us in my household….” The governors said they fear that militants planning a terror attack could enter the country under the guise of seeking refuge from war-torn Syria.

More than two dozen mostly Republican governors have vowed to block federal attempts to resettle Syrian refugees in their states, arguing they pose an unacceptable security risk.

“I don’t get the posturing and the scare tactics being used over the lives of these children”, Rutherford said. He said our greatness comes from all those who volunteer at food banks and shelters all year to make sure no one goes hungry.

House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford, D-Columbia, said he saw Syrian refugees – mainly homeless children – when he visited Turkey. In the meantime, The House earlier passed a measure making it more hard for Syrian refugees fleeing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to enter the country. That was the case before Paris, and that is the case now.

“Those who imply that the United States has been uniquely hesitant among its allies to take in refugees seem to be ignoring wealthy Gulf Arab nations like the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which largely refuse to take in refugees because of security concerns”, Axelrod said in an email to VOA.


Oh, really? There is an ongoing debate about just how well we are able to vet refugees. In effect, more than 24 state governors have expressed opposition to the resettlement plan, despite Obama’s defensive position on the issue.

President Barack Obama appealed anew on Thanksgiving Day for acceptance of Syrian refugees saying'so much of our greatness comes from our generosity