
Get in the Christmas spirit at Wyevale Santa Claus Parade

Once the parade is over, there will be live entertainment in the Mason Mall area at the corner of 3rd and J streets courtesy of Sarah’s Dance Art Studio, LRT and DJ JuWatt.


Santa and Mrs. Claus wave from their perch in the 2013 Santa Claus Parade in Downtown Peoria Friday.

The Staten Island Mall will bring back its annual holiday parade after plans to scrap it sparked outcry from shoppers and prompted more than than 22,000 to threaten to boycott the shopping center. “He will also tell his story, ‘Run, run as fast as you can, ‘” she said with a laugh.

Hometown Christmas, Ontonagon, Dec. 4-6: Breakfast with the Grinch, a gingerbread house contest, and parade are just a few of the fun activities planned at this annual festival. “If you want to light up your auto, light up your truck, light up a wagon or light up yourself and walk down the street, that’s the only criteria, and we’ve had them all”. Parade entries sit on Third Street for an hour after the parade ends so guests can get a closer look at the work that went into each.

“Everybody really likes the feeling of having a community Christmas tree”, Milton said.

Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust, which manages the mall, said the exhibit is one of only 12 Adventure to Santa attractions in the country.

The parade will march down Main Street with five high school bands, up to 30 floats, antique cars, dancers, schools, marchers, social groups, churches, costumed characters, Boy and Girl Scouts. “In the past, we’ve always had a big sleigh that Santa rode in on”.

Late-comers also can enter the parade up until it starts.

“Once all of the spectacular holiday performances are complete, Santa will make his grand debut, and will light our 35-foot holiday tree, as fireworks explode over the square and magical snow falls over the crowd”, Espinosa said.

“You don’t have to have an appointment, but during the week it helps to call ahead to see what the schedule is like that day, because some days are busier than others”, Stevens said.

According to the BIA website, “the Carleton Place BIA Whoville Santa Claus Parade is where we will stand heart to heart and hand to hand listening to singing and dancing welcoming the season’s meaning!”


Angela Bauer can be reached at 217-408-2057.

Santa Claus makes deaf girl's Christmas wishes come true by going through her list in sign language