
Heightened security at Charleston International Airport during holiday travel

Travelers descending upon Los Angeles International Airport for Thanksgiving will need to have packed some patience as they deal with extra security following heightened terrorism threats.


As always, airport officials are asking travelers to notify staff if they see anything suspicious.

The U.S. State Department is warning American travelers to be careful.

Thanksgiving eve is considered the country’s busiest travel day of the year as people jet off to see family and friends.

AAA says almost 47-million Americans will be heading out for the holiday.

“Auto travel volume tends to be evenly spread out over the five-day holiday, but airports are especially busy on Wednesday and Sunday”, she said.

With airports on high alert, lines at security checkpoints might be longer than usual.

“The key is to be unpredictable”, Pistole said.

Travelers should expect longer wait times as TSA spends more time inspecting passengers and luggage. There were 40,609 full-time airport screeners in October, 5,000 fewer than the 45,874 there were in October 2011.

It doesn’t look like many unusual delays are in the cards over the holiday weekend. So give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination, whether that’s a road trip to grandma’s house or taking a flight from Tampa International Airport, travel experts say. Officials recommend that travelers arrive at least two hours early just to make sure that no flights are missed.

“What we’re asking passengers to do to help out is really check those bags for prohibited items before coming to the airport”. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, the TSA is ready to answer your questions on Twitter using @AskTSA.

On Wednesday, an estimated 20,000 passengers will travel through the airport.

It is also fortunate to know that the weather forecasts are safe for travel during the days prior Thanksgiving day. The family was planning on driving to the mountain resort of Red River, New Mexico to revive a family Thanksgiving tradition.

Airfares have increased just 69 cents on average since a year ago, according to the Airlines Reporting Corp., which processes ticket transactions for airlines and travel agencies. Hartford resident Wanda Valle told NBC Connecticut as crowds filled Bradley Airport for the holiday rush.


Fliers can expedite security by leaving liquids and perishables at home, including that famous pumpkin pie. Also, due to increased security, if you park your vehicle in the short-term lot it may be subject to a search.

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