
Malaysian pleads guilty to indecent assault in New Zealand

Hishammuddin was referring to former Malaysian Military attaché Rizalman Ismail who pleaded guilty for indecent assault of a woman in a New Zealand court earlier today.


Muhammed Rizalman bin Ismail, 39, was to have faced trial in the High Court at Wellington toady, but has admitted a charge of indecently assaulting Tania Billingsley.

Former military attache Muhammad Rizalman pleads guilty on November 30 to attacking a woman in her Wellington home.

New Zealand initially blamed Malaysia for invoking immunity but then later conceded its officials may have given the mistaken impression they did not oppose Rizalman returning home.

She chose to waive her right to name suppression and went public a year ago.

Crown prosecutor Grant Burston offered no evidence of the other two charges and the judge discharged Rizalman on both.

A trial was expected to hear from Ms Billingsley, witnesses and doctors about Rizalman’s behaviour that night.

“The defendant was confronted, but eventually began walking away from the address on to the pathway”. She screamed at him to leave.

Rizalman took off his pants and underwear before going into the house through the closed but unlocked front door.

He said there was an issue over why Rizalman went into the house, whether there was any sexual intent and over his mental health. Stevens said from the defence point of view Rizalman’s hand may have come into contact with her throat during the struggle in the living room.

Justice Collins bailed Rizalman until Friday, for a hearing about disputed facts.

Billingsley had bruises and marks on her arms and suffered considerable emotional trauma from the incident, the summary said.


Ms Logie said a report into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ handling of the case should also be released.

Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail was the staff assistant for defence at the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington at the time of the assault