
Bush: Prospect of Trump presidency ‘scary’

Trump came under fire last week after making remarks at a rally and in a nationally televised appearance that he had seen thousands of people in Jersey City cheer the collapse of the Twin Towers in Manhattan. He knows what he is saying He is smart.


Other GOP presidential candidates also swiped at Trump.

Ty Wright/Getty Images Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stuck by his claims that he witnessed Muslims celebrating on September 11, 2001 in New Jersey in an interview on Sunday. This is people in our country that love our country that saw this by the hundreds, they’re calling and tweeting… Nevertheless, “I can allege in that many, many people think in that I’m not being treated fairly”.

He’s retained a big advantage in both departments: media attention, and in the national Republican polls with the initial primaries two months away.

Trump himself explained – years ago – that his recipe for success includes getting attention. It’s far behind others and barely sold a fraction of the 15 million copies of Dale Carnegie’s 1936, “How to Win Friends And Influence People”. If they’re going to be doing it at soccer games, if they’re going to be doing it all around the world, it was being done.

“One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better”.

Bush, like Texas senator Ted Cruz and Florida senator Marco Rubio, has called for Christian refugees to be given priority concerning entry to the USA, a position which President Obama called “shameful” .

“I saw it. So many people saw it”, said Trump, who, in the race for the November 2016 election, has been among the most vocal of the Republican candidates in expressing skepticism about Muslims in the United States.

Jeb Bush says the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency is “kind of scary”. In a statement from his campaign, he said the U.S. should not take in any of the people he met .

The former Florida governor thinks that outcome unlikely, however, because the more voters hear of Trump, particularly on foreign policy, “the less likely he’s going to get the Republican nomination”.

DONALD TRUMP: Take it easy, Chuck.


He continued, “Anybody is better than Hillary Clinton, let me be clear about that”.

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