
Watch Sasha and Malia Obama Crack Up at Their Dad’s Turkey Pardoning

“Abe is now a free bird”, the President said (via CBS) waving his hand at the bird.


Meanwhile, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said Obama’s approval of the NDAA “reaffirms longstanding prohibitions on the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States”. Honest did not attend.

BEIJING-President Barack Obama’s pardoning of a turkey named “Abe” this Thanksgiving has led some Chinese to gloat at the Japanese prime minister’s expense. They are growing up so fast!

Even if the White House’s thyme-roasted bird didn’t turn out to be the moistest, the first family’s menu boasted more than enough other choices to fill the stomach.

A Facebook posting by Elizabeth Lauten, criticizing Sasha and Malia Obama’s demeanor during the 2014 pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkey. “Time flies, even if turkeys don’t”. The turkeys were raised by Dr Jihad Douglas, whom Obama referred to as “Dr Douglas”, side-stepping the man’s first name, which can refer to spreading Islam through violence.

Saying US counter-terrorism officials haven’t uncovered any credible threat of pending attacks, President Obama urged Americans Wednesday to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.

“I don’t know what he does, whether he puts crack in them”, said Obama past year of chef Bill Yosses.’ pies. “As you get older, you appreciate when your kids just indulge you like this”.

The adorable support from the Sasha Obama sisters comes in stark contrast to last year’s blunt criticism from a former Republican congressional aid who said the two should try “showing a little class”.

The White House has pledged to present a final proposal to Congress to shutter the prison before Obama leaves office, but has left open the possibility the president could act on his own if lawmakers object to his plan.


The US president said the bill did, however, contain benefits, including “vital” support for military personnel and their families, “important reforms” to the US military retirement system and a 1.3 percent pay rise for US servicemen and women. “I do not disagree”.

Barack Obama had to omit 'Jihad' from the pardon ceremony