
Israel frees Palestinian hunger striker whose protest highlighted

His lawyer Jawad Boulos told Al Jazeera on Sunday that Adnan would be released and that Israel had also pledged to never detain him again under the guidelines of administrative detention, which can imprison Palestinians indefinitely for renewable six-month intervals. He ended it on 28 June following a cope with Israel securing his launch.


He was detained a year ago, shortly after the kidnapping and murder of three young Israelis, which triggered the arrests of hundreds of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Adnan’s strike had galvanized Palestinians behind a “battle of empty stomachs” against Israeli detentions without trial and both sides had feared the threat of his death could hurt a shaky Gaza truce or spur further violence.

According to witnesses, the Israeli authorities delivered Adnan to the village of Arraba, his hometown, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

The detainee has participated in several hunger strikes after repeated Israeli arrests. In total, Adnan has spent six years in jail.

This story was first published on, “Israel releases Islamic Jihad militant famous for hunger strikes”. He was released at the end of the protest, during which he had ingested vitamins and salt. “Khader doesn’t want to die and Israel is not interested in his dying”, Jawad Boulus told a press conference, expressing the hope that an agreement leading to his release would not come too late. He refused to swallow anything except water during his most recent detention.

The Israeli government had been facing increasing pressure from global rights groups, including the Red Cross, for Adnan’s release.


There are now an estimated 426 Palestinians being held without charge by Israeli forces as “administrative detainees”, according to the Ramallah-based Addameer Prisoner Support Network.

Israel frees Palestinian hunger striker: spokeswoman - Yahoo News UK