
White House reaches out to governors on refugees

The White House on Monday offered Gov. Andrew Cuomo detailed updates on in-state refugee resettlement amid pushback by other governors to the administration’s goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees through September 2016.


McDonough told the governors that while screening is robust, the White House will do even more to try to address concerns about terrorists who might slip in as Syrian refugees. He also said that it could allow people with the intention of hurting American citizens into the country.

But he added that he wants to respond to governors’ call for “more consistent and official communication” from the administration. She said she was not equating the situation of her family, who were not a hardship case, with those seeking refuge from ISIS.

The White House has stressed that it conducts rigorous, multi-layered security checks with refugee applicants, and enhanced checks on Syrian applicants.

And the question of Syrian refugees already appears to be playing out on the congressional campaign trail.

Abbott’s dubious ability to reject refugees has encouraged groups like the IRC to continue pushing for refugee resettlement in Texas.

Governors who oppose proceeding with the resettlement program were reacting largely to news that at least one of the terrorists involved in the Paris attacks had a Syrian passport. Several candidates, including Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina and Sen.

Conservative leaders, including a former US attorney general and a previous chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, are warning that the United States is putting its national security at risk unless it strengthens the vetting of Syrian refugees. Rosenthal says that this type of letter could be sent to any refugee resettlement group in the state that takes a similar public position. HHSC spokesman Bryan Black said refugee assistance is funded through federal programs administered by the state agency.

As human beings and as Jews, we are horrified at the prospect of condemning thousands of people to death at the hands of Islamic State, which kills more Muslims than any other group, or the Assad regime or the various other fighting forces on the ground in Syria or the foreign air forces flying overhead, all for the “crime” of being different.

Bright said Wednesday he’s working with legislative staff to see if he too can introduce legislation that prevents all refugees from settling in SC. Fewer than one percent of people given refugee status are then referred by the the United States for resettlement.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also is prepared to work with the association to provide governors with more information on the vetting process and to discuss options for enhanced collaboration, McDonough said.

“I have no reason to believe the federal government is not telling the truth when they say they have a careful screening procedure, ” Cuomo said at a November 18 event in Buffalo. Marco Rubio’s decision not to seek re-election, was among the Democrats who voted for the bill.

Here’s how the main budget items in resettling refugees break down now with our current count of refugees, courtesy of NCSL. Representatives from the NGOs greet refugees at the airport, help them find safe and affordable housing and work, and provide them with food and clothing, among other services.


Refugees settled in OR receive 90 days of income support from the Department of Human Services.

The politicisation of the refugee crisis