
There’s no candidate like Donald Trump

The report that thousands of American Muslims were cheering as the Twin Towers came down has been a rumor perpetrated for years.


He didn’t rule that out.

Republican elites are panicky about the durable dominance of Trump (and to a lesser extent Ben Carson) in the presidential race.

“We know it’s true”, Lewandowski said during an appearance on John Fredericks’ WHKT-AM program in Virginia. We do have to look at the mosques, very carefully.

Trump replied: “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases”.

I mean. What. The. “I believe in apologizing, but you have to be wrong”. We’d have two lovely buildings standing there right now.

Cuomo and Cohen did not discuss Trump’s claim on Monday that he was able to see people jumping from the World Trade Centers from his home more than 4 miles uptown. Trump said this prediction was made in one of his books and his foresight was recently pointed out by a “very political” friend. “What’s important is that there are bad people among us”.

For Donald Trump, there appears to be no reverse gear.

Days later, after Schiavo’s brother, Bobby Schindler, said Carson “owes every pro-life advocate an apology” for his answer, Carson said that his “much to do about nothing” remark was misunderstood.

At campaign stops he blamed the media, claiming the “bloodsuckers” were dishonest about things he said.

“I would certainly implement that”.

On ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Trump was asked if he was “unequivocally” ruling out a database to track all Muslims, to which he replied “No, not at all”. There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey where you have large Arab populations.

“It’s like Trump has some kind of fifth sense that lets him see what’s in newspapers and on TV”, Colbert said with most comical mock of the segment. It’s not true and there’s plenty of fact checks to prove it isn’t.

Stephanopoulos: “Police say it didn’t happen”. People in the area said it didn’t happen. A man in the crowd shouted: “He’s one of them!”

Jersey City’s Democratic mayor, Steven Fulop, also called out Trump. Trump’s campaign is far from over.

In the book, Trump also name-checked Osama bin Laden as a threat. Simply asserting the opposite, over and over again, doesn’t change reality.

“I call him the great divider”, Trump added of Obama.


He continues to win support.

Ted Cruz quickly catching up to Trump in Iowa