
Google adds a nice little bookmark feature for mobile image search

Yes, you have apps like Pinterest, but what if you don’t want to use another app. Google has come up with a solution by letting you star and organize your images in folders.


If you find a photo on Google Images that you know you’ll want to revisit later, you could save it to your phone’s camera roll. The feature lets users star and bookmark images directly from Google’s image search in their mobile browser. Google has provided one of those little solutions today by announcing that you can now bookmark images when searching for them in mobile browsers, instead of having to screenshot or download them. The Collections feature lets users create and follow boards of images and other media, categorized by interest. And if you need to find that image again… you probably do the search again. It’s also, awesome. You can search, save, and add to collections so easily.

To create a folder, just tap the pencil icon and give it a name. Once starred, the images can then be organised into folders.


This feature is now available for U.S. users when searching for images on iOS and Android devices across all major browsers.

New Google feature allows you to save and sort photos from Image Search