
Tuesday is World AIDS Day

However, according to Dr Sanjay Pujari, an AIDS expert and consulting physician who has been treating HIV positive people for over 20 years, the economics of testing everybody will have to be considered by the governments concerned.


Adebajo said the attitude of testing people and letting them go without follow up needs to be stopped, and more people, particularly men needs to be reached with treatment.

Sanac (SA national aids council) CEO Dr Fareed Abdullah said there was progress in treatment through coordination of various health entities.

Globally there are an estimated 34 million people who have the virus.

Worldwide roughly 37 million people are now living with the HIV or AIDS.

SDLP Foyle MP Mark Durkan has taken a HIV test at Westminster to mark World Aids Day.

HIV and AIDS continue to be serious public health threats – in Guam, across the United States and all over the world – and we mustn’t become complacent.

Today, the number of HIV infected people has been devastingly increasing around the globe.

“What we’re trying to do is encourage everyone to know his or her status and access medical care, so they are able to live long lives like everyone else”, Paynter said. Effectively, they created networks where infections could quickly spread – one HIV-positive person could easily spread the infection to numerous people. Today, scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there are laws to protect people living with HIV and we understand so much more about treating the condition. Jackson County Health Department will host a World AIDS Day Awareness Event from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in Carbondale Town Square pavilion. “We have acted in various ways – big and small – to spread information, to fight stigma and to promote healthy lifestyles”, he said.

Pinning a red ribbon onto your jacket is one simple way to show support to and solidarity with those living with HIV.


Between 2005 and 2014 there has been a four‐fold increase in the number of new diagnoses among those aged between 25‐34 years.

New York City. The women's health organization has come under fire from Republicans recently after an under cover video allegedly showed a Planned Parenthood execut