
The Flash & Arrow: Who is Vandal Savage?

This particular scene, which takes place in The Flash episode “Legends of Today” shows Hawkman tied up in S.T.A.R. Labs, while the Flash (Grant Gustin) and Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) interrogate him. Titled “Legends of Today”, the first installment not only teed up the battle between Team Arrow/Team Flash and Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), but it also introduced the possibility of Oliver having a son, and Kendra being a reincarnated priestess from ancient Egypt. After Vandal attacks Kendra and Cisco, they turn to Barry for help. At Oliver’s hideout, he grills Kendra about why she’s in Central City and they find a picture of Vandal from the 70s and he looks like he hasn’t aged a day.


Part one of the crossover introduced Carter Hall, aka Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) on The Flash.

Apart from the characters that have already been mentioned, Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), and Jay Garrison (Teddy Sears) will be making an appearance in the crossover episodes.

Barry keeps trying to get faster and faster, which brings about the little side Wells/Caitlyn/Jay story, about steroids for speedsters.

All the action is prompted by the arrival of Vandal Savage, one of the oldest villains in the DC playbook (in more ways than one). As we know from Cisco’s vibes (as well as the advance publicity for Legends), Kendra is destined to be Hawkgirl.

“I don’t think its possible to overstate the incredible amount of difficulty it was for just about everyone involved, “Marc Guggenheim, executive producer of “Arrow” and “Legends of Tomorrow” told Moviefone”. But lets go over some of the ways the episode fell short of a normal Flash journey.

Those plans are spoiled, however, by Vandal Savage, who ruins the wonderful homecooked meal Kendra made for them at CC Jitters.

For CW, there is a live stream of the channel which can be accessed here and here (depending on your region, one may be accessible over the other), and through that, fans can watch “The Flash” season 2 episode 8 live stream online. Then, Patty who had been trailing Wells, comes in to try to arrest Wells, when he continues to move towards her she shoots him and he hits the deck. But at least we got to see Jay briefly reclaim his speed powers and save his rival from certain death. It was also great watching Cisco and Felicity tag team on the tech front, which cues up Cisco’s best line from the episode: “Always a pleasure watching you work, Smoak”.

And the episode doesn’t forget to be about the Flash, either, as much as it is about the spectacle of the crossover (and setting up Legends of Tomorrow). Felicity also mimics Oliver’s voice when talking about the magnetic arrows over the team intercom. Barry’s timely arrival (and some nifty slo-mo knife-catching) staves off number 207 for the moment, but he realizes they’re going to need some help to deal with this latest menace. And then Malcolm shows up with a group of assassins and fills them in on Vandal Savage, the immortal, whom they can’t stop and from whom they can’t save Kendra. They’ve been doing this for 4000 years, partners, soulmates.

As for where the story goes from here, the “Arrow” half of the crossover premieres Wednesday (Dec. 2) at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. “So what’s it going to take for him to let her in?”


As for Savage, his problem was that he didn’t quite emerge from the shadow of the better villains on The Flash and Arrow.

The Flash Season 2 Episode 8 Live Stream Watch Online