
Emails: Behind the scenes with Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton will be joined by 13 of the 14 Democratic women of the U.S. Senate at a fundraiser Monday night in Washington, D.C., an attempt by the front-runner’s campaign to flex its establishment muscle as the first caucuses and primaries draw closer.


The portrait of Hillary Clinton that emerges from her tens of thousands of recently released emails – including more released Monday – is different from what people see on TV.

The Hill notes “a virtually unanimous chorus of support for Clinton” after her 2013 Senate committee appearance on Benghazi. “The way you treated the video in the Libya context was to say that some sought to *justify* the attack on that basis”. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), who would enact vast new spending programs, from free state-college tuition to increased Social Security benefits, and pay for them, in part, with tax increases on the middle class. She argues correctly that many new benefits Mr. Sanders wants would be available regardless of income, so that taxpayers of lesser means could end up subsidizing the rich.

Turning to the economy, she said that as secretary of state, she strove to increase exports from American businesses.

Some 66 percent of the 52,000 pages of email she turned over to the government are now available for review and the State Department is on pace to have all of the documents released by January 2016, as ordered by a federal court. The FBI is also investigating the security of Clinton’s private email setup.

Separately, the intelligence community’s inspector general flagged another set of emails they believed contained information that should be considered classified based on the State Department’s own criteria, but left it up to the State Department to make that final determination.

Hillary Clinton listens as Vietnam War veteran Bob Hannan speaks during a veterans roundtable in Derry, New Hampshire, on November 10.

Clinton emailed a staffer on August 28, 2009 to ask if the department could do something for a 10-year-old Yemeni girl who she had met and later saw on CNN talking about her unhappy life.

“We all feel that way”, Jiloty wrote.

Other Republicans pounced on the e-mail as evidence that Clinton was using her time as secretary of state as a political steppingstone for a future job.

Her campaign is calling the rally a grassroots event where she will “highlight her economic agenda while mobilizing her supporters”. At no point in her testimony did Clinton state that she received no email communications on the night of the attack.

“This reply shows how far behind I am in responding to emails!” Diligently, he offers: “If you don’t have Comcast, I can look it up”. Dianne Feinstein. “You come to the conclusion that this is really the only candidate out there that has an opportunity because of the knowledge that’s in her brain to solve some of the problems that we face as the most indispensable nation on earth”.


Top aide Jake Sullivan weighed in, saying Penn delivered the same advice during her losing presidential campaign in 2008 – that it’s bad for a candidate to be herself.

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