
Largest batch of Clinton emails released

‘If you’re ready for me, I’m ready for you, ‘ Clinton said on a stage that included 13 chairs – one for each senator.


But she doesn’t think criticism that she’s too close to Wall Street has hurt her image, as she’s backed regulation on big banks and financial services.

“The way you treated the video in the Libya context was to say that some sought to (asterisk)justify(asterisk) the attack on that basis”, he wrote.

Her absence served as an awkward reminder of Clinton’s enduring struggle to generate support and enthusiasm among an influential segment of her party’s most liberal members. The emails reflect the confusion and uncertainty that Clinton described during the hearing.

The Democratic presidential candidate added: “We don’t know yet how many Special Forces might be needed, how many trainers and surveillance and enablers might be needed, but in terms of thousands of combat troops like some on the Republican side are recommending, I think that should be a non-starter”. I saw as many people as I could fit in the day who needed something from their government. She received several emails of encouragement during that time.

Then in September 2012, she hit two more.

Another email where Clinton is having trouble with technology. “And that every family can get ahead and stay ahead”, Clinton says. As always, some minor details floated to the top. This time, it’s trying to find what channel Showtime’s “Homeland” is on.

“New exchanges between Clinton and friend Senator Barbara Mikulski were also released”. It’s the largest release yet, which began in May, and now includes about two-thirds of Clinton’s total emails.

But the classification criteria were under dispute, and the Clinton team maintains she posted no emails with data marked classified at the time.

Knowingly transmitting classified information through an unsecured email account could be a violation of federal law. Now, Fox News is reporting at least 999 pieces of classified information have been found as the FBI continues their criminal investigation.

“ODNI and CIA classification experts judged the email as probably classified SECRET//NOFORN based on the State Department Classification Guide”, Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the intelligence community’s inspector general said in a statement Tuesday. “Yes, I did”, Clinton concluded.

According to polls, many voters still have concerns about Clinton’s email practices. And I worked really hard to increase exports from American businesses.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who caucuses with Democrats, has not landed a single endorsement from a colleague.


In the newly released emails, Mr. Blumenthal gave Mrs. Clinton advice on peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, and in one instance Mrs. Clinton even gave Mr. Blumenthal marching orders, asking him to confirm details he had shared with her about one of the factions involved in the peace negotiations.

Hillary Clinton then secretary of state spoke at Georgetown University in October 2012