
A good year for Christmas trees

Huron view tree farm also makes and sells wreaths of all sizes, kissing balls, memorial blankets and much more.


Now Sare owns and operates Santa’s Tree Farm with him.

Angela Schams was out looking for a tree Sunday with her family and said after growing up with an artificial tree and always wanting a real one, she was determined to start a new tradition.

“It is okay to have a natural tree in the house”, said Frank Viehmann, with the San Juan Mountain Association.

Bruce Bauer of Bauer’s Market and Garden Center in La Crescent agreed.

Kellen Sparkes brought out the saw, and the tree was theirs. It’s mainly because of the fresh scent of the tree, Silas Prince said, adding that he prefers to pick a noble fir because their branches turn up, making it easier to hang ornaments. Real trees also shed pine needles and can drip sap, so consider the upkeep required to maintain a healthy tree before purchasing.

Many tree farms offer other activities for families on an outing to select the flawless – or perfectly imperfect – tree.

At Motley’s Christmas Tree Farm near downtown Little Rock, owner Randy Motley said there are 1,200 trees to choose from.

But snow is not a requirement, Miller said.

Kathy Cooper, who runs Cooper’s Tree Farm with her husband, John, and family, spent Saturday answering questions, greeting customers and pricing trees.

Christmas tree farmers report that the four-year drought-California’s worst in more than a century-has substantially stunted the growth of many adult trees and killed seedlings outright.

“They take them out and plant trees, teach them about trees”, Viehmann said. In the library, for example, the team has put together hand-made trees from the pages of books while in the drawing room, where the family gathered to listen to music, there will be a tree decorated with musical notes. We make it an experience.

While we waited for our tree to be taken down the hill and loaded up on our vehicle, my daughter visited Santa and both kids grabbed some free hot chocolate.


The most popular trees in Iowa are Scotch Pine, with needles up to two-and-a-half inches in length, and White Pine, which is softer and has even longer needles.

Tree lighting ceremony scheduled for Monday Nov. 30 in Buena Park