
Planned Parenthood cancels event after Colorado shootings

The Orlando-based Florida Family Policy Council, sponsor of the “Florida Taxpayer Rally to Defund Planned Parenthood“, said the December 7 event at the Florida Capitol will take place in the spring instead.


Pro choice activists gathered on the steps of the Capitol demanding lawmakers stop what the group calls inflammatory rhetoric.

For some, Friday’s shooting brings to light the need for more security at women’s health clinics.

“I think it’s fair to have a legitimate, honest debate about abortion”, he said during a news conference in Paris, where he was attending United Nations climate talks.

“I think it’s absurd and they’re using the politics of this”. Dealing with the shooting, Obama reiterated what he has said after other mass shootings.

Alleged shooter Robert Lewis Dear reportedly used the phrase “no more baby parts” in a conversation with police.

The president has made a call for tighter gun control measures a recurring feature of his interactions with the public, stretching back to the aftermath of a 2012 elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

NARAL’s statement specifically points to language used by Gov. John Kasich, House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger and Senate President Keith Faber, and asks for elected officials to use “responsible language” when discussing abortion in the future.

McLeod says the attack in Colorado was foreseeable. Gordon Klingenschmitt described Planned Parenthood executives as demons, saying on a radio show, “I mean, whenever I look at a picture of those executives, if you look in the spirit, at the demons inside of them, you can see the blood dripping from their fangs”. “It’s also true that vitriolic language and demonizing of health-care providers can unintentionally cause someone who is mentally unstable to take action”.

Barbara Zdravecky, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Central and Southwest Florida told reporters on Monday that clinics did not close at all.

Congress is expected to revisit the Planned Parenthood funding issues in the next few days, and the battle threatens to stall critical spending legislation.


She pointed to an “informational hearing” to investigate Planned Parenthood, staged November 10 at the capitol by the state legislature’s most conservative politicians, as an example of how the videos sparked misinformation and extremism. The organization is headquartered in New York City and Washington.

Planned Parenthood cancels Detroit event after Colorado shootings