
Won’t take back claim Muslims in New

In an interview with CNN’s Jamie Gangel – his first since picking up a key newspaper endorsement in New Hampshire – the Republican presidential candidate firmed up his answer to Trump’s claim that American Muslims cheered the attacks, calling those claims false.


Mr. Trump, if I say people have said Trump’s not worth ten billion dollars and people were saying- You wouldn’t make a business deal based on retweets and hearsay.

“It’s a miscommunication”, said Darrell Scott, the senior pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who helped to organize the meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon in NY – one of several Trump has convened in recent months with black religious leaders.

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump’s presidential campaign suddenly announced on Sunday that it was no longer holding an endorsement press conference with 100 black pastors the next day.

Gawker quips, “A Trump campaign spokesperson says Trump will still meet with the group, in private”.

Donald Trump has refused to back down over comments suggesting American Muslims cheered the 9/11 attacks saying he is “100 per cent right”. The campaign, they said, had mischaracterized their meeting.

Scott told CBS News that the meeting was initially supposed to be smaller gathering of pastors – “about thirty or forty”.

“This meeting was wonderful”, Trump said in an impromptu press conference following the meeting. “I see love everywhere I go”, Trump said afterward, noting that the meeting lasted 2.5 hours.

In an earlier message on the social networking site she called Trump “an insult and embarrassment”.

For Vaughn, she admitted that her name being included on the list of pastors meeting with Trump resulted in her inbox “blowing up with inquiries” once the endorsement release surfaced. “Zero experience. Flaunting a ticket of unbridled bigotry, sexism, racism and everything that is wrong with America”. “I respectively (Sic.) declined as I do not support nor will endorse Donald Trump”. “I have fantastic relationships with the people, but I think pressure was put on them when they heard there was a meeting by people who disagree”. “But if they got that perception, then the people that we are trying to help and take to the next level are misunderstood”, Morton said.

The controversy could be starting to hurt Trump, who has dropped 12 percentage points in the polls in the past five days, according to Reuters/Ipsos opinion polling of Republican voters nationally.


Christie also said it was the “wrong thing to do” for Trump to mock a reporter who is disabled. “Which Black lives do you claim to be liberating”, the leaders wrote.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves during