
New Clinton emails appear to contradict her Benghazi testimony

The State Department has released the largest batch of emails yet from Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


In the newly released emails, Mr. Blumenthal gave Mrs. Clinton advice on peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, and in one instance Mrs. Clinton even gave Mr. Blumenthal marching orders, asking him to confirm details he had shared with her about one of the factions involved in the peace negotiations.

A spokeswoman for Warren declined to comment on Monday’s event. “Such anathema to us as Americans – and a painful reminder of how long it took modernism to take root in the USA…”

“It is without a doubt that the single most qualified, by far, of any person in this race for president, is Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton”, said Heitkamp of North Dakota.

Clinton wrote that the reason is, “Because I want to watch “Homeland”” the channel’s spy hit”.

The issue erupted into a scandal as she was preparing to kick off her 2016 presidential campaign, and remained a Republican talking point for months as they sought to knock down the Democratic frontrunner. Now, Fox News is reporting at least 999 pieces of classified information have been found as the FBI continues their criminal investigation.

However, new emails released Monday contradict that claim, showing Clinton did indeed receive updates about “fresh attacks on Benghazi” on her unsecured, private email system.

“I don’t think it’s the smartest way to go after Daesh”.

The focus on Clinton’s emails has eased somewhat since her testimony before a House special Benghazi committee last month that uncovered no new evidence that Clinton played a role in denying additional security requests at the USA embassy in Libya before the September 11, 2012 attacks.

Authorities have not accused Clinton of any wrongdoing, but Republicans have been very critical of her email practices. “You know what we saw in Colorado Springs the other night was just horrific and we have to stand up for the rights of women to get the healthcare that they need and we have strong”, she said. “I imagine that’s what I’ll do”, she told The Boston Globe when asked if she would endorse during the primary.

Later, after several congratulatory emails were exchanged among Clinton’s staff, political consultant Mark Penn sent an email to Clinton gently suggesting that perhaps it wasn’t wise to lose her temper in the hearing. “Stupid question”, her inquiry to top aide Philippe Reines began.


“You tell the American people one thing”, said Jordan, “you tell your family an entirely different story”.

Clinton Kept an Eye on Politics, Latest Emails Show