
Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Tonight

Now that it is December, tree farms are expected to be busy this weekend.


Early Christmas trees were also attributed to Martin Luther but there is little proof of that. Along with the tree lighting, guests of all ages can embark on a wagon ride, sings their hearts out caroling or visit with Santa. “They come from all different organizations from all over Allen County, and each year we ask the people that decorate trees to incorporate the theme of the festival, the Majesty of Christmas”, said museum director, Patricia Smith.

The gifts under and on these trees celebrate the true majesty of Christmas as the season of giving.

The Band Perry will perform at the annual Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony this Wednesday in New York City. The parade starts at 5 p.m. The event will feature a holiday concert. “(It’s) more fun to have with the family. There will be cookies, hot chocolate and punch served during the activities.

The tree lighting takes place Thursday on the Ellipse near the White House.


This year’s tree comes from Gardiner, N.Y. and is a 78-foot tall Norway Spruce.

It's that time of the year when people look for the perfect Christmas tree for their home