
Mark Hamill reveals further information about Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

And get crafting secret messages to your Star Wars hungry friends!


But of particularly interest is Andy Serkis’ assertion that Supreme Leader Snoke is the new phantom menace.

For those who are not familiar with the hype, this is the second time Google has released something related to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. “Have you felt it?”

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” features the return of…well, we won’t spoil it. Not only that, Adam Driver’s character, Kylo Ren, looks genuinely frightening in places and that torture scene from the trailer with Oscar Isaac looks seriously intense. Like the past teasers, this new one is filled with lots of action sequences from lightsaber battles to air battles. “Are you Mace Windu’s son?’ I can easily say ‘Just wait until the film comes out!'” While some of it may enter into spoiler territory for fans trying to stay as pure as possible (you’ve been warned, if you click that link!), director J.J. Abrams remained ever-carefully guarded, while still eeking out some new information. It is then followed by an image of Kylo Ren torturing Poe.

So, another interesting tease about what kind of “Star Wars” movie we’ll be getting with Abrams at the helm.

It’s the dilemma facing every Star Wars fan: how to surf the internet without being assaulted from all sides with spoilerific articles and social media shares about new instalment The Force Awakens.

Mark Hamill has said that he will face a financial penalty if he reveals the ultimate Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler – where in a galaxy far, far away is Luke Skywalker?


That moment when Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford of course, opens fire on an unlucky enemy.

The Dark Side is unleashed in epic new Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer focusing on Kylo Ren