
Cyber Monday marks Target’s best day of online sales ever

Cyber Monday 2015 reached $3 billion in sales, which is a remarkable 12 percent improvement from a year ago, but there is a growing concern about the long-term performance of the popular event.


A spike in online sales on the first Monday after the U.S. Thanksgiving weekend was originally attributed to fast Internet connections in the office, which persuaded shoppers to wait out Black Friday and make purchases online from their workplace.

Over $514 million in sales were attributed to mobile, including $313 million from smartphones ($205 million iPhones, $107 million Android) and $201 million from tablets ($170 million iPad, $28 million Android).

To compete with each other and Inc, most USA retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy began offering some of the season’s best online deals, which traditionally had been reserved for Cyber Monday, several weeks in advance. United Kingdom retailers have succeeded in driving new shopping behavior on Black Friday.

Cyber Monday did not go without a hitch, however.

As for the overall results, MarketLive is reporting that from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday total revenue increased 20% YoY, with average order values up by at least 20%.


Many retailers are continuing to offer online deals all week, hoping to capture consumer dollars well after the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It also bumps up online sales for the month of November by 30%, to $39.5 billion. A Target spokeswoman said volume had been twice as high as its busiest day ever and that as the website had seen spikes in traffic so some visitors were placed in a queue. The company’s figures are based on visits to 4,500 retail websites, including 80 percent of all online transactions from the top 100 US retailers, through its Adobe Marketing Cloud. Despite the looming specter of ad-blockers, display ads saw the largest growth of 50 percent over a year ago in pointing people to sales. “Consumers are in a good place to get us to a very good holiday season”, said Shay on a conference call, according to Reuters.

Cyber Monday