
Pennsylvania GOP says Trump fundraiser isn’t an endorsement

“I care!” co-host Greg Gutfeld shot back.


“I’m not sure he necessarily plays well with the establishment, but he seems to have a lot of grass roots support”, Dumeyer said. “And the kids in the housing development came in and beat them up”, he said. Incredible people. The meeting went so much longer, and it went longer only because of the love.

In the new footage, which seeks to examine the GOP presidential candidate’s claim, Acevedo instead dismisses the idea that she had seen youths celebrating because of the terrorist attacks.

And Couzens said he asked Trump, specifically, to apologize for some comments he made about that Black Lives Matter protester roughed up at a Trump event. “I don’t know anything about the flyer”.

Bishop George Bloomer of Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina arrived at Monday’s meeting with Donald Trump with great skepticism about the outcome, especially on issues of race, he told The Associated Press.

Trump, who is famously unbridled in his public pronouncements, has caused deep offence in America’s black community by his apparent indifference to concerns over discrimination and the evident targeting of young black people by police.

But several black pastors invited to the gathering quickly rebutted the endorsement talk.

Trump brought up the alleged celebrations following the November 13 attacks in Paris while making an argument in favor of keeping a registry of Muslims.

“It’s not true and there’s plenty of fact-checks to prove that it isn’t”, Rubio said. “But political scientists have long known that people who are turned off by politics don’t engage (in) the system”, said American University political scientist Jennifer Lawless, according to CNN.

“All the newsmen, I believe, were getting calls from people saying, ‘Hey, there’s people on the roof, you gotta do something about these people”. Recently, Trump gained the endorsement of a black pastor who is challenging the media’s apparent claims that minorities are automatically anti-Trump.

“I think they want to see victory because it is about we want to win and we want to win together”, he said after the meeting this afternoon.


If some of the black church leaders endorse Trump, Peterson says, it would have a major impact on the 2016 presidential election.

Donald Trump