
Warren Only Female Democratic Senator Missing from Clinton Event

The negative descriptions of Clinton come as she continues to weather criticism for her use of a personal email account while at the State Department.


Philippe Reines wrote Clinton on September 6, seeking approval of a photo he planned to release to the media.

Democratic presidential candidate and former secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that President Barack Obama called her when negotiators had reached a deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

Like with previous releases, the emails focus largely on news clippings and mundane exchanges with her top aides and outside advisers. Clinton helped out in her own way, raising their collective profile and hitting the campaign trail for many of them.

And all of the senators said it was time for the country to elect a woman president, and the campaign unveiled a new video titled “44 Boys Is Too Many”, which featured girls saying the same.

Clinton’s plan would put $250 billion toward direct federal spending on infrastructure, while the remaining $25 billion would be seed funds to launch what her campaign described as a “strategic infrastructure bank”.

Clinton has maintained that none of her emails contained information that was classified at the time she sent of received them, but an inspector general from the intelligence community flagged four emails from a sample as containing classified information – an assertion the State Department disputes. However the document dump additionally probably creates more issues for Clinton in her try and move past the fallout from the Benghazi assaults.

It is part of a court-ordered monthly release of emails and primarily covers 2012 and 2013, which included Clinton’s testimony to a Senate Benghazi committee and her hospitalization for a blood clot and concussion after a fall.

Warren, who many thought would run for president herself, has so far declined to back anyone in the primary.

On the campaign trail, Clinton often invokes her gender as a positive reason for her candidacy. “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda-like group: the Ambassador, whom I hand-picked, and a young communications officer on temporary duty w[ith] a wife and two young children”, she wrote.

“I represented NY, and I represented NY on 9/11 when we were attacked”.

Some of the messages show that Clinton anxious about how her own remarks after the attacks would later be perceived. The 13 women had already endorsed Clinton, along with most of the Democrats in the House. You looked real. There’s a difference.


The July 2012 e-mail to Clinton is a prime example: Reines appeared to be suggesting that the secretary of state of the United States should visit additional countries merely to increase the total number of places where she had touched down on the job.

Clinton Kept an Eye on Politics, Latest Emails Show