
In mass killings, more than one shooter is extremely rare

US President Barack Obama on Thursday said the motivation for a deadly shooting in California was not yet known, but a terror attack could not be ruled out.


Three suspects opened fire, killing 14 and injuring more than a dozen others at a social services center for the disabled where one suspect’s co-workers at the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health were having a holiday office party.

The initial number of confirmed casualties put the San Bernardino rampage in a grim category that includes the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, 2012, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza gunned down 20 children, ages 6 and 7, and six adult members of the school’s faculty and staff. Lanza then turned the gun on himself.

There were 365 mass shootings in 2013, and 336 mass shootings in 2014, according to the website. CBS News landed the first comments from the president about the shooting: Obama’s seventh such opportunity to comment after a mass shooting has occurred in this country in just the last five months. Hours earlier, in an unrelated and much more common tragedy, a man shot four people inside a house in Savannah, Georgia, killing one. Blue circles filled in show incidents where people were killed and outlined circles show shootings where people were injured.

News reports collected by a Reddit community show there have been 355 mass shootings in 2015.


The 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, remains the deadliest of these incidents, claiming the lives of 32 people.

Police Chief Jarrod Burguan speaks at a news conference on Dec. 2 2015