
Ryan Gosling Re-Creates ‘Titanic’ Moment in ‘SNL’ Promo

Aidy Bryant tries to trick Ryan Gosling into passionately kissing her during their Saturday Night Live promos!


What we have here is a love story of sorts between Gosling and “SNL” cast member Aidy Bryant, who plays the role of “woman obsessed with Ryan Gosling”, a.k.a. “all of us”.

Ch-ch-check out the HIGHlarious promo for the upcoming show (above) and make sure you check out the full episode this Saturday night!

Even Ryan Gosling has his imperfect moments.

In the meantime, check out Gosling’s SNL promo above, and stay tuned for more from the December 5 premiere. “These damn writers, but I guess we gotta do it”, she says in the video below.

Gosling chimes in, hugging Bryant and suggesting that the two “bond”.

Later in the clip, the duo re-create a scene from “Titanic” before each of them “wail” on their pecs – it’s pretty hilarious.


You might want to add a reminder to your Notebook. Only, he accidentally spits on a baby and then frantically runs away.

Heartthrob Ryan Gosling Turns Aidy Bryant Into a Giddy Fangirl in New SNL Promo