
Hillary Clinton makes campaign stop in Tampa

“I am proud to announce the endorsement of the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. Presidential race”, states Margot Dorfman, CEO of the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce.


“I’m 63 years old, and I’m very, very excited we’re going to have a woman president – finally”, she said.

A strong majority of registered US voters does not believe that Hillary Clinton is honest or trustworthy as the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues its probe into the former secretary of state’s personal email system.

“Well I have one word for them – “Basta” – enough, let’s end this”, Clinton said.

For example, even if you’re a Republican, would you refuse a call from an influential person like Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn to at least hear what he has to say?

“It would take something extraordinary to get all 13 of us here at one time”, said California Senator Barbara Boxer.

“Florida is so much a symbol of America – diverse, dynamic, optimistic”, Clinton said.

An Iowa-based spokeswoman for Clinton’s campaign said Clinton “has been committed to earning the support of every Iowan in February’s caucus” and “any suggestion otherwise is just flat out wrong”. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), however, she opposes a resurrection of the Glass-Steagall limits on commercial banks and hasn’t endorsed the kind of across-the-board financial transactions tax that Sanders has proposed. More than 80,000 Iowa children from moderate-income families are enrolled in the state’s version of the program, known as Hawk-I.

ED HENRY: Some of Hillary Clinton’s newly released e-mails may contradict her Benghazi testimony in October when she claimed to not be aware memos with sensitive information about Libya she received on her personal server from controversial adviser Sidney Blumenthal were actually put together by former intelligence official Tyler Drumheller.

Clinton was flanked by a group of chanting supporters on stage, many of them Latino.

According to BuzzFeed News, Martin will be helping the Clinton campaign get the Latino vote.

HENRY: There are also emails with the Clinton camp’s reaction to her Benghazi testimony back in 2013.

“The participatory voting rate of Puerto Ricans on the island is astronomical”, she said. Women made up about 60 percent of Clinton’s donors during her first two quarters of fundraising. The plan would require full disclosure of donations; match small donations with public funding, and overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling that deregulated independent political spending.

Clinton also addressed pre-kindergarten education, college tuition reform and called for a confrontation with the gun lobbyists. She’ll talk there about the importance of investing in roads, ports, and infrastructure.


Rick Tyler, a Cruz campaign spokesman, said Clinton’s team “must be reading the same polls we are that show Cruz rising so it is not surprising she would attack”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a Grassroots Organizing Event at the Meadow Woods Recreation Center Wednesday Dec. 2 2015